Physical key control for casinos

Secure all of your casino’s keys with sophisticated key control, accountability, and automated audit trails.

Casinos and gaming companies can’t gamble on the safety and security of their keys and other assets. In an environment filled with cash, excitement, and fast-paced games, you need complete control of your gaming keys—and the confidence that comes with knowing they will never leave the building.

Landwell Physical Key Control solutions enable casinos and gaming companies like yours to ensure that their most important keys are accounted for at all times — ensuring compliance with the strictest regulatory requirements automatically.

A comprehensive key management solution designed specifically for gaming companies and casinos.

Physical Key Management for Casinos05 Automated transaction logging provides a full audit trail of who took which keys and when
Physical Key Management for Casinos06 High-security RFID key cabinets that keep every key set locked in place. Authorized users can only take keys assigned to them
Physical Key Management for Casinos07 Multiple users (dual and triple) authentication for gaming keys
Physical Key Management for Casinos08 Multiple access control methods, such as fingerprint, staff card, facial reader, finger vein, PIN code.
Physical Key Management for Casinos09 Automated alerts and alarms when keys aren’t returned on time
Physical Key Management for Casinos10 Customer support in 24/7
Physical Key Management for Casinos11 Compliance made easy

Today’s leading casinos and gaming companies trust Landwell to protect their facilities and keep their cash secure.

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I-keybox intelligent key control systems.

Protect keys until up to three required logins are complete and credentials are verified. Make sure important keys are kept safe with automatic Key Exit Systems that sound alarms whenever they’re taken off-premises.

for casion

Smart Key Fobs

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Web based management software

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App management software

Post time: Aug-15-2022